Mad as a Hatter?

The phrase "as mad as a hatter" was coined as a result of the unpleasant side-effects of being exposed to mercury vapour for extended periods of time which hatters involved in the process of 'felting', were. Fortunately we no longer use mercuric nitrate in our hat making processes. Unfortunately this poses a slight problem...

...The inspiration that leads our chief designer to a concept for a stunning new hat or fascinator is not something that takes a great deal of time; in fact it takes but a moment, a flash of an idea brought on by a brief, and complete abstraction from reality - a temporary 'madness' you might say. Fortunately for us, despite zero mercuric involvement, he's as mad as a box of frogs!

Generations of Making Hats

You need great ideas, luxurious materials, spirit, humour in abundance, respect and love to make exquisite hats.

Do you know, whenever I'm down in the dumps...

I get myself a new hat 🙂

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